Moisturize Beforehand: Apply a thick layer of moisturizer with potent ingredients like shea butter or aloe vera. This helps prevent your skin from drying out during Holi

Facial Oils for Radiance:  If you have acne-prone skin, opt for facial oils containing tea tree extract or Edelweiss extract. These keep your skin radiant while providing protection.

Sunscreen Shield:  Apply a waterproof sunscreen with at least SPF 30-50 and broad spectrum coverage. This shields your skin from harmful UV rays during outdoor celebrations

Hair Care:  Gently massage coconut oil into your hair before playing Holi. This prevents colors from sticking to your hair, keeping it hydrated and preventing brittleness

Protective Clothing:  Wear protective clothing to minimize direct contact with colors. Cover your skin as much as possible to reduce exposure

Sunglasses Don sunglasses to prevent color powder from flying into your eyes while playing

Prevent Clogged Pores: Artificial colors can clog pores, leading to acne breakouts. Use a mild cleanser post-Holi to remove stubborn pigments without causing irritation

Hydrate Drink plenty of water before and after Holi to stay hydrated and counteract the effects of sun exposure

Gentle Face Pack If you experience rashes, redness, or irritation due to colors, apply a gentle face pack to soothe your skin

Post-Holi Care After the celebrations, rinse your hair with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water to gently remove colors